Version 2.1

Table of contents


To play DOG & PONY GAME™, you need:

For the best experience, it is recommended that you also have:

Important: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8 (1.8) or higher is required to run DOG & PONY GAME™.

You can learn more about Java here:


When you download the game, it comes as a zipped archive. Before you can play, you must extract the zipped archive's contents to a new location.

If you have a file archiver software, use it to unzip all files to a new location.

If you do not have a file archiver software, but your operating system supports file archiving, then you should be able to right-click the zipped archive, and use Extract All to extract its contents to a new location.

Once all files have been extracted from the zipped archive to a new location, run the dogandponygame.exe executable to play.


By default, the keyboard controls are:

Note: When not displayed anywhere else, the controls can be found at the bottom of the screen.

Getting started

On the title screen, the main menu offers the following options:

  • START - Create or join a game, or customize your profile.
  • OPTIONS - Adjust your display, sound, control, and other settings here. It is recommended that you do this first!
  • CREDITS - View the list of people who contributed to the making of this game.
  • EXIT - Exit to desktop.

Selecting START on the main menu brings you to the start screen. The top-left menu offers the following choices:

  • CREATE GAME - Host a game that your friends can join, or play with computer players.
  • JOIN GAME - Join an existing game on your local area network or on the Internet.
  • CUSTOMIZE PROFILE - Customize your username and your dog and pony characters. This is important if you want to play with other players!

Hosting a game

To create a game, select the CREATE GAME option. The host menu will appear, and offer the following options:

Note: When hosting a game, your selected port must be open for other players to be able to join your server.

To learn how to forward a port, refer to your firewall, router, modem, and/or virtual private network instruction manuals.

Selecting START on the host menu brings you to the lobby. The bottom-right menu offers the following options:

Note: There must be at least two ready players in order to play.

Joining a game

To join a game, select the JOIN GAME option. The server browser will appear, and offer the following options:

Joining a game brings you to the lobby. The bottom-right menu offers the following options:

Note: Every player must choose either READY or SPECTATE for the match to be allowed to start.


There is a lot of useful information displayed on the screen, so let's take a look at what it all means.

The scoreboard on the top-right shows the list of players currently in the game.

The card on the bottom-right shows the current player's character information.

Note: If you don't know which team a character is on, they appear obscured.

Game rules


When it is your turn to play, here is what you can do:


Your objective is to collect the highest amount of coins. Here is how:

When all 4 gemstones are found, the match ends. Players are awarded a bonus for each gemstone owned by their team, equal to (100 × number of opponents) coins. If a team has no opponents, then each gemstone awards a bonus of 50 coins instead.

Then, whoever has the highest amount of coins is awarded a gold medal, and everyone else on their team is awarded a silver medal.

May the best treasure hunter win!

Note: There is a gemstone hidden in each quarter of the map. Until it is found, the entire area will glimmer in that gemstone's colour. Keep an eye out for these glimmers so you know where to dig!


Between matches, coins can be spent at the shop. Items purchased will be added to your inventory at the start of the next match.

To buy an item, select BUY, then select the item you wish to buy. A number to the right will indicate how many of each item you have purchased.

If you purchase an item by mistake, you can get your coins refunded. To do this, select SELL, then select the item you wish to sell.

Note: Items purchased at the shop will be also be lost at the end of a match, so spend wisely!


When a fight begins, the battle screen appears. It displays the attacker on the left (on the offensive), the defender on the right (on the defensive), and three attack options:

The chosen attacks are not shown to others until both players have made their selection. Then, whoever is beaten (if anyone) takes damage (DMG).

The amount of DMG may vary depending on the attacker's and the defender's equipment. If the defender lands an attack against the attacker (known as a counterattack), then the attacker always takes 1 DMG.

If a player's HP reaches 0, they immediately begin to rest, and cannot play on their next turn. On the following turn, they wake up with their HP fully recovered.

If a monster's HP reaches 0, it is defeated and removed from the map.

Note: 1 DMG is equal to -1 HP.


There are many helpful items you can find:

Note: The gully, cutlass, buckler, targe and pickaxe are equipment. Use the item once to equip it. Use the item again to stow it.

Equipment must be equipped to have an effect. In the character's inventory, a green 'E' on the bottom-right of the icon of an item indicates that it is currently equipped.

Weapons have 50% chance to break when used to attack, shields have 50% chance to break when used to defend, and pickaxes have 50% chance to break per use.

Items remain equipped until stowed, broken, or stolen.


Monsters are a threat to treasure hunters, but yield coins and sometimes items when defeated. Use the Look functionality to check whether a monster is carrying loot. Here are the types of monsters you can encounter:

Note: A monster will retreat if it is allowed to idle for 3 turns in a row.


Game does not run

If you are unable to run the game at all, make sure that your computer meets the requirements listed under Requirements.

Game loads but doesn't start

When you run the game, if the above loading screen appears but the game never starts, make sure that you are not attempting to run the game from inside the zipped archive. If you are, then make sure to follow the instructions listed under Installation.

Game only renders partially

If the bottom part of the game is rendering in the upper part of the screen, then your video card likely does not meet the requirements listed under Requirements.

If you would like to try playing the game in its native resolution, follow these instructions:

  • Close the game window;
  • In the game's folder, open the file settings.hpc with a text editor software;
  • Change of the value of VIDEO_RESOLUTION_X to: 432
  • Change of the value of VIDEO_RESOLUTION_Y to: 240
  • Make sure that the value of VIDEO_FULLSCREEN is: 0
  • The contents of the file should now look somewhat like this:
  • Save the changes, and close the file;
  • Run the game again. It should now be in its native resolution. If it still does not render properly, then you will need to upgrade your video card in order to play.
Further issues

If you are unable to run the game for a reason that is not listed here, or if you encounter a bug or error while playing the game, please write about the issue to the following email address:

Caution: Do not blow on your computer components or their connectors.


This documentation is for advanced users only. In the eventuality that the default master server is not available, or that you would like to create a master server on a network that is disconnected from the Internet, you may host and connect to a custom master server by following the instructions below.

Connecting to a custom master server

To connect to a custom master server, follow these instructions:

  • Close the game window;
  • In the game's folder, open the file settings.hpc with a text editor software;
  • At the bottom of the file, add the following line: MODEM_MASTERSERVER=CUSTOM_URL
    where CUSTOM_URL is replaced by the URL to the custom master server (including protocol);
  • The contents of the file should now look somewhat like this:
  • Save the changes, and close the file;
  • Run the game again. If successful, then the start screen's message of the day should display the master server's message. Otherwise, contact the master server's owner for help.

Note: Connecting to a custom master server is done at your own risk. Only connect to master servers whose owner you trust.

Hosting a custom master server

To host a master server, write a script which may be called from a URL with the following query parameters and values:

  • a=info&id=DNPG

    This query should return the game version on the first line, and the message of the day on subsequent lines. The game version serves to announce when a new version is available. For example:

    Ahoy, mateys!

    This be a custom master server.

    Take care to keep the message of the day relatively short, as messages that are too long may be cut off at the start when displayed in the game.

  • a=ip

    This query should return the client's IP address. For example:
  • a=get&id=DNPG

    This query should return the list of servers, one per line. Each line should contain the server's game version, IP address, port, name, and password (1 if a password is set, otherwise 0), each seperated by the UTF-8 unicode character 31 (Control character: Information Separator One) which is represented below as . For example:

    2.0123.45.67.8908817My Server0
    2.012.345.678.9016817Mateys Only1
    where VERSION is the game's version, e.g.: 2.0
    and PORT is the server's port, e.g.: 8817
    and NAME is the server's name, e.g.: My Server
    and PASSWORD is 1 if server has a password, otherwise 0.

    This query should add the server to the list, and return 1 upon success, or 0 upon failure. For example:

  • a=unset&id=DNPG&p=PORT
    where PORT is the server's port, e.g.: 8817

    This query should remove the server from the list, and return 1 upon success, or 0 upon failure. For example:


All output is expected to be encoded in UTF-8.

Note: No support will be provided in the hosting of custom master servers, nor in the writing of custom master server scripts. If you do not understand how to use the information in this section, then it is likely not intended for you.